Jesse Rosenblum Jesse Rosenblum


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Trusting ourselves starts with an attitude of curiosity and a willingness to take the subtle cues of our bodies seriously. Whether you are tired of saying ‘yes’ to that dinner with family when you know you don’t have the bandwidth to show up, or you don’t know why you start to feel panicky when talking to that one particular co-worker, Attune initiates you into another way of being in relationship to yourself and others.


    Locate your own voice.


    Lead with intuition.


    Attune is designed to get you to a place where you can lead with intuition in your life. With the support of a small group of peers and a 1:1 session with me, you will get quiet enough to hear your internal voice and to know the difference between a ‘yes’ that feels like slogging through mud and a ‘yes’ that makes your heart tingle. You will start to tap into your unique inner dialogue through intuitive practices such as guided somatic explorations, tarot, and astrology. In an individual somatic therapy session with me, you will get the opportunity to deep dive into your core beliefs, examining what might be getting in your way of a more aligned life. When you learn to interpret the language of your own body, without all the noise from the external world, you unlock one of the greatest gifts: knowledge of self.


    Whether it’s noticing how your stomach clenches at the thought of a 62-hour work week or how your body starts to sway when THAT song comes on, Attune can help you get back to you. Join me to build the foundation for a rewarding and lifelong journey of knowing yourself from the inside out.


    Build your foundation.


    What’s Included:

    • Three group sessions: max 10 participants (online)

    What you’ll need:

    • Journal

    • Tarot cards

    • Birth time and place (astrology)

    • A quiet, undistracted space for sessions

    • Internet access

    • Curiosity

    • Compassion

    Investment: $400


    • Somatics is a field of psychotherapy that works with the body and our subconscious to uncover the root of why we do what we habitually do. Rather than relying on our brains and our own narrative (easily influenced by our conditioning) to make sense of our “blocks,” we look to our bodies for more information. I wrote a piece you can read here that explains how I view Somatic Therapy.

    • You don’t have to be a believer! I teach astrology and tarot as potential tools for introspection and self-discovery. They are both systems that mirror what we already know. And as the popular saying goes, take what works and leave the rest!

    • Each one of us has relationship to our physical body. When we’re sick or injured, we know this because we feel. Unfortunately, we’ve only been to taught to pay attention when we’ve pushed ourselves beyond our limits. Attune will teach you how to notice the quieter ways your body speaks to you, so you can start living into your authentic yes.

    Still have questions? Email me!

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